Friday April 1st, 2016by Chanel
Even more far-reaching than the sensual massages…
Here you experience even more sensation than in tantra. Physical contact is possible here, provided you respect each other and everything is done safely (with condom). Keep in mind, though, that not every one of our ladies does this service and that the lady on the spot chooses to do this Deluxe or not!
Possibilities with:
Chanel: erotic massages, blowjobs, nipple sucking, intimate, ejaculation on breasts, Russian (between breasts)
Prices Deluxe Massage:
30 min / 160 €
45 min / 180 €
60 min / 200 €
90 min / 310 €
120 min / 420 €
You can take a shower before and after the massage.